Women Development Unit (WDU)
- To work for the professional and personal development of women employees and female students of the nursing institute
- To provide a safe, secure and dignified working environment to women and enhance their self-esteem
- To create awareness about the social, legal and constitutional rights of women
- To sensitize all employees and students about gender equality and sexual harassment (as per Institute Internal Complain Committee) and protect them from sexual harassment.
- To work for the physical, mental, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of the women
- To create awareness about the social empowerment of women at the community level
- To conduct awareness sessions on various topics like gender equality, social empowerment, health awareness, legal and constitutional rights, career guidance etc. through F.B. live, Skit, debate, Poster Exhibitions etc.
- To conduct fitness sessions among employees and students
- Provide assistance to the employees working under BU
- Provide assistance to students to solve their academic and non-academic problems
- Yearly two meetings will be conducted
- Committee revision will take place as per need
- The activities conducted under WDC will be documented on a regular basis.